Title: In The Stillness Of The Codrii
Genre: Dark Ambient (mostly)
Country: Moldova
Year: 2013
Track List:
- Wanderer Through The Melancholy Of The Woods (Part 1)
- Wanderer Through The Melancholy Of The Woods (Part 2)
- In The Stillness Of The Codrii
- Decline Of An Old Tree
Basarabian Hills is an one-man atmospheric black metal/ambient project from a small Moldovan town called Făleşti. BH's music is clearly nature-inspired, and always was more ambient than metal. However, two first albums ("Spirit of the Native Land" and "Breath of a Wide Valley") featured more black metal elements than this one. "In The Stillness Of The Codrii" consists of 4 tracks, all of them exactly 10 minutes long. The Lustre-influenced black metal/shoegaze of the earlier albums is almost completely gone, it's ambient for the most part. Surely this album has some flaws, but it's definitely better than the first two ones; actually it's quite good considering it comes from provincial Moldova, an area where underground music of any kind is nearly nonexistent. I also shouls notice that BH has one of the best logos ever ;)
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