Artist: Dadhikra
Title: Vadul Odulnye Karawaalpe (Folktales Of The Yukaghir People)
Genre: Ritual Ambient, Field Recordings
Country: Russia
Release date: 2015
Track List:
- Dorbu
- Longdol Circular Dance
- Loshiyaa, Loshiyaa, Ging, Ging, Ging
- Song Of The White Spirits Of The Light Way
I was browsing the Bandcamp page of one St. Petersburg-based label specialized in underground industrial and noise, and, to my surprise, found this:
"This work is based on the folktales of small Siberian nation -
Yukaghirs. Dadhikra used the recordings of the karawaalpe Yukaghir
folktales and traditional musical instruments: paydii, mumżerul,
paydunube saal, niedjek chomuolben, čunžia, pukil’, łerkejeŋ, jerejepajdii, jonśe, wanna ajanaaŋ, pukol’urd’źe".
Since there's not much information about Yukaghir traditional music, apart from some recordings made during USSR times, this release is fairly unique. However, it's not your typical folk music album, and it's not easy to get into (I'd say it fits right in the catalogue of an industrial/noise label). Moreover, there's not much actual music: out of 4 tracks, two are spoken word recitals of folk tales (in Russian, but the words are not always easily decipherable). Overall, I'd recommend it to those who's into ritual music or just seeking something really weird, and if you're searching for more listenable Yukaghir-related material, the pop songs by
Irina Duskulova are for you (she was thankful to me by posting her songs on here, by the way).
And speaking about the Yukaghir culture in general... well, it's considered to be moribund by many, and was considered to be so 100 years ago, yet it's still here and apparently isn't going anywhere (and I surely hope it won't!) There's something about this culture that makes it stand out of the other similar cultures of the Arctic, and some aspects of it seem be really ancient, perhaps going back in time as far as to the Mesolithic. It's also worth being mentioned that Yugaghirs have suprisingly many people with literal talent for such a small-numbered ethnic group, and they even are one of the very few cultures to independently develop a writing system - albeit a very specialized pictographic one (used mostly for writing love letters and letters of respect, as manyYukaghirs are too shy for telling such things openly), but still.