Artist: Севериада
Title: Миян туй
Genre: Folk Rock/Metal
Country: Russia (Komi)
Release date: 2024
Track List:
- Инасьтӧм лов
- Тундра
- Енэж улын
- Гортӧ
- Кӧсъя бӧр
- Кад
- Лӧз ю
- Варыш
- Гым-чард
- Гажтӧм рыт
- Ыджыд тыш
- Ёма
The long-awaited full length album titled "Miyan Tui" ("Our Way") from the Komi folk-rock band Severiada is finally out a month ago! They're the only folk rock band with lyrics in Komi that I know of, and they have a pretty long history of performing live, but haven't released any recordings until recently. Don't know if it was released physically or on any major digital platforms apart from VK, but anyway it's a very good album that definitely make it into my personal top of Finno-Ugric folk-rock albums (or maybe even folk metal? I think it's heavy enough for the most part):
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