Title: Jégbontó
Genre: Folk Metal
Country: Hungary
Release date: 2006
Genre: Folk Metal
Country: Hungary
Release date: 2006
Track List:
- Rianás
- Árpádházi Margit Balladája
- Galamb
- Védj Meg Láng - 1. Rész
- Téli Ének
- Virrasztó
- Igaz Hittel
- Hajnalünnep
- Drégel
- Szondi Két Apródja - 1. Rész
- Jégbontó
"Dalriada (also Dál Riata) was a Gaelic overkingdom on the western seaboard of Scotland with some territory on the northern coasts of Ireland. In the late 6th and early 7th century it encompassed roughly what is now Argyll and Bute and Lochaber in Scotland and also County Antrim in Ireland.
The titles of their albums are ancient Hungarian names of months. So "Fergeteg" is January, "Jégbontó" is February, "Kikelet" is March, "Szelek" is April, "Ígéret" is May, "Napisten" is June, "Áldás" is July, "Új Kenyér" is August, "Őszelő" is September, "Magvető" is October, "Enyészet" is November, "Álom" is December. Arany-Album is an exception, because it contains the poems of János Arany"
If my (limited) knowledge of Hungarian doesn't deceive me, then the name for April literally means "Winds", August - "New Bread", December - "Sleep" or "Dream"... But it's quite off topic, let's return to the music. To have an idea of what kind of music they're playing, just watch this video for the song "Téli Ének" ("Winter Song"):
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