Artist: Luigi Russolo
Title: Die Kunst der Geräusche
Genre: Noise, Avant-Garde Classical
Country: Italy
Year: 2000 (composed during 1910-20s)
Year: 2000 (composed during 1910-20s)
- Risveglio Di Una Città
- Crepitatore
- Ululatore
- Gracidatore
- Gorgogliatore
- Ronzatore
- Arco Enarmonico
- Antonio Russolo - Corale
- Antonio Russolo - Serenata
- Francesco Balilla Pratella - L'Aviatore Dro Op. 33: Fragmente 2. und 3. Akt für Klavier, Rombatore, Sibilatore, Scoppiatore, Ululatore und Stimmen
- Giacomo Balla - Macchina Tipografica
- Fortunato Depero - Canzone Rumorista
- Riccardo Santoboni / Rossana Maggia - Omaggio a Luigi Russolo für Stimme und digitale Intonarumori
If you want to know more about Italian futurist music of the early XX century, you may also want to check out the compilation "Musica Futurista: The Art Of Noises" which isn't hard to find on the net, but it mostly consists of more or less conventional piano music, with only Russolo (and maybe also Marinetti) being truly "avant-garde" artists. As for Russian futurist movement of the same time, it was mostly about poetry and (to a lesser extent) visual art, and its ideology differs significantly from that of Italian futurists; however,the early Soviet Union did produce several interesting avant-garde musical works, like this one: