Artist: Mordor
Title: Csejthe
Genre: Funeral Doom Metal, Industrial/Ambient
Country: Switzerland
Release date: 1992
- Bloody Comtess
- First Birth Of the Cruel Nymph
- Last Demoniac Invocation
- Self Immolation for my Sweet Goddess of the Dark Dawn
- The Moment of the Worship of Total Evilution
- In Search of the Pure Negation
- Agony: The Ascent of the Mountain
"Csejthe" is often called an industrial doom metal release, and while I can see where it comes from, there are not that many metal elements. Its sound is mostly guitar-based dark/drone ambient (and even martial industrial at times); while doom metal riffs are present, they don't play a leading role. The lyrics are said to be about the exploration of what goes beyond the ordinary view of the world and human nature (which basically means the usual occult/horror stuff typical for lyrical themes in black metal). Overall, the value of this album is mostly historical, and it's definitely not a release for everyone's liking, yet it's interesting to see another innovative band from Switzerland that deserves to be mentioned among bands like Samael, Celtic Frost, Coroner, etc. And, with all honestly, "Csejthe" quite resembles some of the music I was trying to write as a teenager (of course I'm not going to show it to the public, though)...
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