Title: Змајевски Језик
Genre: Industrial Folk Metal, Ambient
Country: Russia/Serbia
Year: 2015
Year: 2015
- Змајевски Jезик (Intro)
- Змајевски Jезик
- Змајевски Jезик (Long mix)
- Змајевски Jезик (Instrumental)
Naakhum - Vocals, lyrics, didgeridoo, ethnic instruments, tapping solo
Finally, it happened - those two very similar artists made a collaboration single! Those who read my blog on a regular basis most likely know what to expect from both Naakhm and Senmuth - exactly what is featured on this single named "Змајевски Језик" ("The Draconian Tongue", if I understood the title correctly). However it was a surprise for me to find out that Naakhum has relocated from Igualada (somewhere near Barcelona) to Belgrade...
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