Genre: Avant-Prog, Zeuhl
Country: France
Release date: 1973
Track List:
- Hortz Fur Dëhn Stekëhn West
- Ïma Süri Dondaï
- Kobaïa Is de Hündïn
- Da Zeuhl Wortz Mekanïk
- Nebëhr Gudahtt
- Mekanïk Kommandöh
- Kreühn Köhrmahn Iss de Hündïn
...And speaking of Magma - here's their most well-known album, "Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh", released in 1973. MDK is considered to be a seminal work for the whole zeuhl genre, and a very original release even by nowadays standards. At first listening, my impression was like "WTF am I listening to??!!", but after ~10 re-listenings it became like: "Wait... but this is great!!!". Need I say more? Here you can read a detailed review of MDK and an explanation of it's sci-fi concept. I can only add that the only downside of this release, IMO, is that the Kobaïan language turned out not quite as exotic as I expected. Bands singing in made-up languages always fascinated me, but Kobaïan sounds quite like Dutch or some weird German dialect, not something that I would expect from an extraterrestrial language...